Saturday, 30 November 2013

Defined Destinies, Confused Hearts!!!

Life has become like a downward spiral for me from past few months as long as i remember. Solitude was the only asset of mine and also the one in my thoughts, lost in those thoughts of what to explain and what not, heart was waiting for the emotional revelations. For all the confusions that were running in mind, my blog has given me the best answer that is to write upon and express, which may lead to my destiny.

Restricted writings are always painful; let me not put myself in the pain of that, so started scribbling my thoughts, as i feel that writing is the only tool which I have to win the hearts.
We happen to meet many people in our path, few are just the passing clouds, few shower rains in our lives for a period of time, but only few will be entwined with us, such kind of people are the defined destinies of our lives. Few become the missed paths of life, and few get connected to you in other corners of the path that you have chosen. It's the time where you gonna decide which in turn twinkles your path apart from the hurdles, in reaching a defined destiny.

After all to achieve the above stated things, a simple initiation is needed, That’s none other than my favorite belief "expressing yourself" which leads to your destiny. We may feel that we were stupid to wave a goodbye, but sometimes a goodbye silently says that "I will wait for you to be back again". We may face the issues but that all depends on the way we solve it and the way we sort it out.
If you can find the sunshine which heals you, just stick to them, blossom in the joy of love.

Come what may but expressing is always needed. If we can't open up then the feelings are always buried under sands of felicity. It's not about getting to know about each other it's all about made for each other, Just begin the start with a word, and we can see the best thing "Being Together" with enamored hearts. Try to know the language of hearts you will be surely cherished in care. 

Dedicated to all the ones who are confused for their defined destinies and their hearts!!!

Hope people will find answers for the their hidden questions.

ANU loves you all dilse!!!

Keep smiling :) :) :)

Hope best, miracles do happen….