Good Morning!!
It’s been a pretty long time since I stroked
my pen to share the feels. I was completely lost of what to share and what to
express as thousands of thoughts were running through. I didn’t know whether I
can share them or I need to bury them??

“I always felt that expressing is the best
thing in the world because when we express our feels takes the form of actions,
but as the time passed I’ve known that few things are to be shown and few are
to be expressed, at times we feel that
“We are
let down by the most trusted ones and loved by the most unexpected one’s
Few make us cry for things which we haven’t done, few ignore all our
Few make us feel so nearer and the dearer ones make us feel we are no
more a part of their life
Few leave us when we need them the most and few stick on even when we
insist them to move on ...”
Everyone express
their love, it’s not just enough what means a lot is the way you show it,
little things are mattered a lot than the bigger ones, a small wish means a lot
than a gift, on the other side people show their hatred, its not worth, express
your hatred but do not show it. You may make people to forget of what you have
spoken but not the way you made them feel. Best understand hope as “hold on
pain ends” in case of difficulty. Don’t let your fears guard the heart and
don’t make felicity as a lock so that no one can break through your shell. Just
smile whole heartily it makes you feel better.
your love, instead of expressing!!
hatred, instead of showing!!
people can forgive but not forget few things, don’t expect to be ones life
instead be the favourite part of their life”
Anu loves you all dilse!!
Have great days !!
anusha bura