Does anything hit your mind at the first sight of this quotation??
I had deep thoughts when i happened to read this one, there is a little truth hidden if we can probe into it, it gives the meaning of life and its importance.
When we get hurt by our loved one then we say that "my heart is broken", it conveys that its just broken but not damaged, we can manage with it and gives the hope to live--**if person is optimist.

I know its not a simple task, but it is not impossible!!
We think that a broken heart gives the utmost pain but our little sense forgets that a damaged one hurts more, not only a single person but also all our loved ones. As said, if we have a strong determination a broken heart can be remodeled but if its a damaged heart which costs a life cant be brought back, life once lost will not be gained, a broken heart pains oneself but a life lost effects the euphoria of everyone.
The one who can enjoy with a broken heart and manage things could be the most efficient person who can handle every worst situation of life. Are you such ?? If not TRY to be.....!!!
You will never get a second chance to live the life, enjoy it, life hoo tho aise, move on!! cherish your life :)
anu loves you all dil se....
signing off for today with the memories of my friends "miss you all"
have a great day!!