Good Morning..!!
Life is a journey not a destination and at a corner of our life, we may face a particular situation whether to speak the truth or comfort our lovable one's with a lie, just to hold the trust that they have developed towards us . Life is always at its best to throw typical situations which makes us more stronger than before.
"HURT is always needed to GROW"
Sometimes failure is needed to be successful. Life is all the mixture of of Unspeakable Secrets, Unreachable Goals, Untold Love and Irreversible Regrets. May be one can bear all the above but not the REGRET, it always pecks us from inside.
We may get into a situation, where, the truth we speak may hurt our beloved ones, the trust developed from years may breakdown, thinking to uphold the trust if we speak lie and that's where it melts us from inside for the entire life time . Heart may not let a word out of the lips but that becomes a flame inside which we need to bear for the entire life time with a fake smile on lips !!!
Just remember, Someone TRUST us because we are TRUTHFUL towards them.
When someone trust us, they will surely make an attempt to understanding of what are we going through. Instead of comforting with lie. Break the silence with truth. We may see the pain in eyes of our beloved ones, but truthful effort always puts us into happiness. If they can't understand the situation then they are not meant for us.
With so many distractions and third party involvements, relationships have become tougher to maintain these days "TRUST HAS BECOME A LONG LOST WORD".
The doubts and fear of loosing our love, narrows us down from speaking truth, the other one sees this as possessiveness and gets angry. All these leads to a broken relationship. All you need is some patience, trust and being true. "If you want to gift something special just gift them your presence not the things".
People may not get all the things they wish too, but when you are pretty enough to get one such thing, hold them tight, just don't be dumb enough to let them go by surrendering to situations, fight back to get it..!!
"Just by speaking truth you may loose someone temporarily in few situations but never gain regret, which kills you daily."

Life is always a balance between what we can and what we cannot, live a life between Effort and Surrender. It's difficult to WAIT and more difficult to REGRET. So, never give up on something easily.
Signing off today with lots of smiles.. :):)
Keep Smiling, Keep Loving.
ANU loves you all DIL SE..!!